Sunday, August 23, 2009

Field Trip: Jersey City

Friday night, Jeff and I hopped on NJ Transit to Jersey City to see our friends Katie and Anthony for dinner.

The two of them recently got back from a trip to Italy, where, among other goodies, they purchased a bottle of truffle-infused olive oil. If that doesn't sound like bottled deliciousness, I don't know what does.

Anthony cooked up some whole-wheat pasta with vegetables fresh from the JC Farmer's Market, including a strangely shaped yellow squash. Now, if you're like me, a strangely shaped Jersey squash is just SCREAMING for jokes. But, it was so tasty, that I can't justify making wisecracks about Jersey water or genetic mutation resulting from Jersey soil (Sorry, sometimes I just can't resist.)

Here it is, showcased with a few bottles of red wine (you can tell this was early in the evening).

Anthony cooking up goodness:

Here's how it looked on the plate:

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